31st Multi-Service Networks workshop (MSN 2019) Thu-Fri 4-5 July 2019.
Thursday, 4th July 2019
10:00 Registration and coffee
10:30 Welcome (Iain Phillips, Hamed Haddadi)
10:35 Session1(Chair: Iain Phillips )
- Yiannis Psaras (U): Proof-of-Prestige: A Useful Work Reward System for Unverifiable Tasks
- Naomi Arnold* (Q): Mixed and time-varying models for network formation
- Sebastiano Miano* (Tu): Dynamic Compilation and Optimization of Network Functions
- Will Fantom* (L): UNIMON (Unikernel Monitoring)
- Gareth Tyson (Q): It’s damn hard to decentralise the web
- Amin Tootoonchian: Tasvir: Rethinking Distributed State Management
12:15 Photos & Lunch at Cosener’s House
13:30 Session 2 (Chair: Ioannis Psaras)
- Ignacio Castro (Q): NLP-ing the IETF: Streamlining Social Decision Making for Improved Internet Standards
- Colin Perkins (G): What is the IRTF and why should you care?
- Ryan Mills* (L): Instrumenting defense techniques via subversion of adversaries
- Aravindh Raman* (K): Stitching the edges: A case for optimal content delivery
- Chaoyun Zhang* (E): ZipNet-GAN: Inferring Fine-grained Mobile Traffic Patterns via a Generative Adversarial Neural Network
- Hamed Haddadi (I): Privacy-preserving Analytics in Modern Browsers
15:00 Coffee
15:30 Session 3 (Chair: Colin Perkins)
- Ben Lewis* (L): Data-Plane Accelerated Intrusion Detection Using P4
- Anna Maria Mandalari (I): Databox as a platform for monitoring IoT devices at the edge
- Roman Kolcun (I): Detecting Anomalies in Smart IoT Environments
- Vadim Safronov (C): Crowdsourcery: Defence Against Dark Artefacts in Smart Homes
- Joel Obstfeld (Ci): Global engineering – Enabling a Connected Transport future
17:00 Free time!
19:00 James P.G. Sterbenz memorial session, followed by dinner at Cosener’s House
Friday, 5th July 2019
9:30 Session 4 (Chair: Eiko Yoneki)
- Ali Issa* (PL): Bounded Bitrate Guidance for SDN Enabled Adaptive Video Streaming
- Luca Giacomoni* (S): An Actor-Critic Approach to Congestion Control
- Mohammed Alasmar* (S): On the Distribution of Traffic Volumes in the Internet and its Implications
- Donald Robertson* (SA): Unfairness in Video Streaming Applications
- Alexander Jung* (L): Adaptive Traffic Flow Optimizations with Unikernel-based VNFs
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Session 5 (Chair: Hamed Haddadi)
- Poonam Yadav (C): Building resilient, robust and trustable IoT ecosystem
- Yuta Tokusashi (C): The Case for In-network Computing On demand
- Stephen McQuistin* (G): Parsing Protocol Standards
- Vasileios Klimis* (S): Partial order reductions for SDN
- Kyle Jamieson (P): Quantum Compute-Enabled Wireless Networks
- Mark Handley (U): Networking in Space
13:00 Lunch & Brendan Murphy prize
Affiliation codes: C (Cambridge), Ci (Cisco), Ed (Edinburgh), G (Glasgow), I (Imperial College), K (King’s College), L (Lancaster), Lu (Loughborough), P (Princeton), PL(Plymouth), Q (QMUL), S (Sussex), SA (St Andrews), Tu (Polytechnic University of Turin), U (UCL)
*: PhD student talk.
We are pleased to have CISCO as a sponsor this year.

- Staff rate £140 + £100 for accommodation
- Student rate £100 (subsidised – no cost for accomodation)
- Day rate £60 + £40 for dinner
- Staying the Wednesday night £100.
Once you have done your booking, please register your interest for a talk on:
If anyone has anything they can suggest to make the event even better, please email Hamed and Iain
NOTES on the booking system
- The software reserves a place for you the moment you select which type of delegate you are. If you don’t complete a purchase and don’t log out, then that space won’t be available for anyone else. Please log out or cancel you transaction if you can’t pay at the time.
- There should be 3 options, Staff, Student and day rate. At the moment all are available and if the one you want is not listed, then the system could be lying. Email I.W.Phillips@lboro.ac.uk if this happens and I’ll fix it.
- You have to create an account, but don’t worry it will copy details from your account details to your booking at the click of the appropriate button.
- The person creating the account (e.g. an administrator) can book on behalf of several people at once.
- A credit card is needed, this makes things a whole lot simpler at our end.
- Dietary and access requirements can be entered at the appropriate stage. If you forget to, please email I.W.Phillips@lboro.ac.uk later.
- Spaces are limited (we all know how big/small the venue is), so we’d like to avoid too many registrations from a single institution, but at this stage only asking people to be sensible.